The Africa eGovernance Conference (#AfreGov) is the premier conference connecting public and private sector leaders to the actualization of continental policies designed to drive social and economic transformation in Africa through digital transformation.
The mission of the Africa eGovernance Conference (#AfreGov) is clear. It is designed as the platform to bring together decision makers, strategists, policy implementers, donors, as well as development partners to connect, collaborate, and coordinate the framework, roadmap, and monitoring of pathways into the future of digital governance on the continent as a way of supporting the achievements of the objectives and vision of African leaders articulated in Agenda 2063 of the Africa Union (AU) on 'The Africa We Want' as well as the United Nation's Agenda 2030 on “Leave No One Behind”.
The AfreGov Conference is therefore not just a meeting; it's a movement towards a digital Africa for the actualization of both agendas. In the pursuit of Africa's socio-economic empowerment, digital governance has now become the driver of sustainable economic development, which is at the center of Agenda 2063 as adopted by the 24th Session of the AU Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Addis Ababa in January 2015. The agenda is operationalized through a series of five 10-year implementation plans, with the first plan straddling 2014 to 2023 and the second spanning 2024 to 2033.